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Map Listing

The Map Listing page is where users can view all maps belonging to their team. This page displays a table that shows minor details of each map, including the group it belongs to (which was selected at the time of scanning) and whether it is currently processing or ready to use.

Filtering Maps

Users can filter the maps displayed in the table by using the search box at the top of the page. This allows users to quickly find the maps they are looking for based on name, group, or other criteria. The search results will be filtered using the Fuzzy search algorithm.

Sorting Maps

Users can sort the maps displayed in the table by using the sorting option above the table. This allows users to sort the maps by name, group, status, or date modified.

Map Operations

From the Map Listing page, users can perform various operations on the maps listed in the table. These operations include:

Here are operations that can be performed on maps:

Use these operations to effectively manage and customize your maps.

By using these operations, you can effectively manage and customize your maps to meet your specific needs.

These operations can be accessed from the buttons at the bottom of the table.


The Map Listing page provides a centralized location for users to manage and view all maps belonging to their team. From this page, users can perform various operations on their maps, including assigning them to applications and deleting them. The page also offers filtering and sorting capabilities, making it easy for users to find and organize their maps.