Content Authoring
Placing an object and aligning it to match the real-world environment is tricky and time-consuming, especially so when we need to make adjustments to our content. Content Authoring is a set of features to help solve this problem and let developers iterate quickly on their AR content. These guides will walk you through each step in the workflow of authoring AR content.
📄️ Application Binding
_In order to follow this tutorial, you will need to have a map created by 3D Scanner App and have your application created through the Developer Console for your specific Team.
📄️ Placing Map Contents
_In order to follow this tutorial, you need to have a map created by the 3D Scanner App, an application created through the Developer Console for your specific Team and have the map bound to your application using either the 3D Scanner App or the Developer Console.
📄️ Custom Objects
This tutorial will walk you through the steps required to enable using custom objects when placing your content with 3D Scanner App.
📄️ Import Map Contents
This tutorial will guide you on how to download the map contents of a map assigned to your app, and import it to your Unity project. First, make sure that you have followed the previous guide on Placing Map Contents before going through this guide.